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The Ethics Game Show!

Total Credits: 3 including 3.0 Ethics

Average Rating:
Judge Maria Bahr |  Steve Goor
2 Hours 52 Minutes
Audio and Video
Never Expires.



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Alaska Bar Association

Steve Van Goor is Bar Counsel for the Alaska Bar Association, a position he has held since 1983.Prior to his work for the Bar, he served as a military lawyer (JAG) in the U.S. Army and was in private practice in Anchorage. In addition to the Alaska Rules of Professional Conduct Committee, Mr. Van Goor is a member of the Ethics Committee and regularly provides informal ethics guidance to members of the Bar. He is a frequent CLE speaker on ethics and professional responsibility issues. Mr. Van Goor is a 1975 graduate of the University of Kansas Law School and is admitted in Alaska, Kansas, and Colorado.